Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Lights! Camera! Action!

A star is born! It was quite fun shooting the movie! However, technical issues had arisen so it was a long day!

The process of creating a movie was quite involved and it made me think carefully how technology should be used. Done well, it is a useful tool to help support students. But the question for me is, how to do it well?

Today it was incredibly time consuming to create a brief social story that illustrated how to fill up your car. Who knew that it took over thirty steps from reading the gas gauge to paying for your purchase? The planning process was very helpful to develop my awareness of how to break down tasks into their individual components. The computer aspect was difficult for us as it seemed that nothing was going to be easy for us. The old adage of, "What can go wrong often will." Perhaps continuing to practice creating and editing movies would help to make things smoother in future.

I'm already thinking about how I will do my own social stories with my class in the fall. This fits in nicely with many of the health and language arts outcomes in Grade 5/6; especially with regards to media studies and personal responsibility (e.g. stress, drugs, etc.).

Our final product is called, "How to Refuel a Car."

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