Tuesday, July 13, 2010

Video Social Stories

Today was an interesting class. It was much more fun than I had anticipated. Let me rephrase that... it was not as difficult as I thought it would be. I enjoyed working with Carl, Margaret and Jennifer and working with them to develop our social story. I'm glad that we settled on a story that Carl will be able to make use of in September. Also, I enjoyed discussing the step-by-step process that is involved in tasks. It's remarkable when you have to think about how many steps are actually involved in tasks. We take so much for granted!

As a parent of a toddler, the concept of social stories is not unfamiliar. Often before we go somewhere in particular, I will talk it over with Carley. Where are we going? Why? Who will we see there? What is going to happen when we're there? How should we behave? However, what I really gained from today's class was how important it is for students to review the central message over and over again to help them feel successful. It is not enough to show a video once to a child or to tell them a message once. They need to have many opportunities to internalize and incorporate the message into their daily lives.

It was a great reminder to not only "be in the moment", but to consider the steps that helps a student get there. For my own future reference I've included some notes from class here to help me keep the process in mind...

When making a video to help a student with a given task or social situation, there are four types of sentences that are involved:
1. descriptive sentences - describes the who, what, where, and why of the situation
2. perspective sentences - sentences that provide some understanding of the thoughts and emotions of others
3. directive sentences - suggests responses to the particular situation
4. control - repeat main message

Also, when creating these stories, it is important to write them in the first person narrative to help the student feel connected to the story.

Tomorrow should be fun as we create, edit, and produce our video. Next step... Hollywood!

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