Tuesday, July 6, 2010

What is Communication?

Today we talked at length about one of the very basic aspects of our human condition; how we communicate. Prior to taking this course I've been thinking a lot about this subject since I've been home on maternity leave with my son Jack. Since he can't speak at the moment I spend a lot of time watching for his non-verbal cues and listening to his very loud cues that indicate that he's hungry, etc.

I'm enamoured by the light in his eyes and the joy on his face when he sees me. That glint of recognition and the expressions on his face give me clues to what he is thinking. However, when he looks at me with despair in his eyes and I can't quite figure out what he wants, it is incredibly frustrating. Is he in pain? If so, where and why? What am I supposed to do?

When I feel as though I understand Jack's needs and wants, I feel very successful and pleased with myself. He's communicated his desires and I have understood him. In this fashion we have replicated the three most important aspects of communication: 1. We are communication partners, 2. We have each other's joint attention, and 3. We have a common language. The common language at this juncture is silent at times and most often reflects touch. Essentially what is often said is, "I am here."

However, a question was posed today that makes me think beyond the here and now of living with a non-verbal person. What would Jack's life be like if his language skills did not develop? How would he develop academically, socially, culturally, etc. if he continued to be non-verbal? How would he be perceived? Would these perceptions limit his potential? How would he function in a world that expects instantaneous verbal responses?

I would like to think that Jack's potential would not be limited, but now I'm starting to think more about the lived history of people who are non-verbal. If they are surrounded with people with great insight, awareness, and creativity, their potential is seemingly limitless. I'm still in awe of the young gentleman who was able to play a rather complicated on-line game and talk with four people on-line through a switch that he manipulated with his thumb. I have no idea how he could attain such a feat as I can barely manage to play "Tetris" - nevermind talking to anyone as I do so.

Finally, I would like to note that while my basic understanding of what communication is has remained unchanged, my perception of who can communicate in a meaningful construct and the tools and the planning needed to help people them do so has been altered. As I've said before, I did not consider (perhaps through a lack of imagination or engagement) the potential that exists for non-verbal persons. The length and breadth of the forms of technology that exists today astounds me. And just as impressive to me is the careful thought and observation that is needed to make deliberate choices to ensure that the tools that are used are specific and purposeful. Essentially, I've discovered that I have much to learn and much to consider on this subject.

On a different vein I need to address another issue that we've been asked to discuss - name at least ten ways to communicate. In random order, my list of nine forms of communication is as follows: verbal, nonverbal (gestures, facial expressions, body language), written expression, musical expression, conferencing, social communication structures (e.g. Facebook), instant messaging, intercultural communication, and religious/symbolic communication. (I've spent a lot of time searching the internet and wracking my brain to think of ten forms, but alas I've only come up with nine forms. I look forward to learning more from my colleagues tomorrow morning.)

I've included two websites that elaborate a bit more of some of the various aspects of communication which are as follows:

One last item that I'd like to share is a video from "Mr. P." who is using an assistive technology called the "Eco 14." It is simply amazing to watch!


  1. EXCELLENT Joanne! Your comments are thorough, indicate great depth and thought and are interesting. Your son is adorable!

  2. I think you've written beautifully Joanne and I share many of your thoughts and feelings. Jack is certainly a cutie and what a joyful age. My 18 year old son Jamie went to a film festival in Montreal last Wednesday for three weeks on his own so I can't reach out and touch him as you can Jack. Instead I use texting, email and our first phone call today. When I went off to Europe on my own in 1981 I relied on letters and the lag-time with my communication partners made our exchanges unsatisfying and even frustrating at times. In 2010 we take ease of communication so for granted ...we want it instaniously.
